As the Chinese proverb says 'If we don't change our direction, we are likely to end up where we are headed' and in humanity's case where we are headed is clearly some type of ecological and social collapse. So the question is 'what will it take to change our direction?' The conventional wisdom seems to be that humanity can't be expected to do anything until the effects and pain of the collapse are so intense that we are shocked into action." As quoted on Four Years. Go.'s website.

Take that last sentence "humanity can't be expected to do anything until the effects and pain of the collapse are so intense that we are shocked into action." How does that play into everything in your life; your health, your family's health, your retirement, your children's college fund, your community, your faith, your environment and so on and so on? We all look at the environment as someone else's problem, or we feel as though things are not going to get too bad in our life time, but what about your children, children's children. Our actions today have either negative or positive effects that will continue for many generations.

Think about your health, is there something that you keep putting off talking with your doctor about because it is not that bad yet? If anything is not right in your health, now is the time to make changes, do not wait "until the effects and pain of the collapse are so intense." Your health is vital to the quality and quantity of life you are living. What can you and your family do in the next four years to make changes to our world, to your family and to your community. Can you grow some of your own food, increase the native plants to your property, minimize your carbon foot print? What else? We as a world need to figure out new ways of living, of using and reusing, of leaving our planet better than we found it.

Please take the time to watch the short video below which is also found on website.

"It always seems impossible until it's done." Nelson Mandela