What are your dreams? How close to achieving them are you? Do you even think about them on a daily basis?
I know for me I have gotten caught up on the hamster wheel lately, working, sleeping, eating, repeating and then doing it all over again. I am grateful to the handful of people that keep me grounded and continue to ask me on a daily basis "what's new?" For a long time the answer was always "Not much." Month after month this continued until I got a wakeup call. I have the choice to either stay on the hamster wheel or get off.
What seems like the right choice, the safest choice, may not always be the correct one.
But then I started thinking about my dreams, like what do I want my life to be like? An example is that I love seeing my patients. From you I learn so much, you teach me on a daily basis and you tell me that I teach you as well. Our health is more than just how the physical body is doing; we also have to consider the mental, emotional and spiritual aspects of our health. My dream is being a naturopathic doctor who practices this way and to share naturopathic medicine with the world or at least my little corner.
It's my dream to see patients, to laugh with you, to cry with you and to watch you change your life in every aspect. I feel that for me, this is a fantastic professional goal to have as well. But on a personal level that goal keeps me on the hamster wheel. So my personal goal is to do my work while balancing it with life.
Balance is a state of equilibrium or equipoise; equal amounts of something. My certain something needs to be equal amounts of work and play (this is also probably true of most people too). I encouraged one of my patients to play as hard as she works. On the top of her treatment sheet in big red letters it says "Play Hard!!!" She took those words to heart and has made and continues to make life choices that will allow her to play hard and to play how she wants to play. She is seeing how to balance her world out and I thank her for encouraging me to also focus on this kind of balance as well.
But how do I bring balance into my own world where I don't see that there is enough time to do anything else? I say to myself that there is not enough time to exercise, to call a friend or to even enjoy a hobby - or at least that is what it currently feels like. I know the years keep passing faster and faster, so I have to make the time for these things or else in a blink of an eye 10 years will have passed and I will be no closer to that dream of balance.
I want to be able to answer the "what's new?" with something new each day. So to make that happen I have to learn to get off the hamster wheel. I know it is going to be scary but also exciting. I challenge you to look at where you are on the hamster wheel of life, to look at where you are with your dreams. Where do you have balance or imbalance? And then to act on it!
I hope to someday see you at my practice, so we can learn and laugh together. So call today for your free 15 minutes with me! Don't wait.