It is January again…that time of year where we make New Year’s resolutions of how we are going to get in shape, lose weight, be a better person, etc. We start the year off with great goals, but as the year continues we seem to struggle with keeping our eye on the goals. I challenge you to make a change this year, get your Naturopathic Doctor involved in your health goals and even let them know about your personal goals, so you have someone that is going to keep you accountable.
Weight always seems to be something that we focus on in January, especially after we get on the scale and see how the Holiday cheer has increased our weight. Weight seems to come on quickly, but the challenge comes when we try to lose weight. Most of us will cut back on our intake of food, increase our exercise and then are discouraged that the scale does not show any movement. Day after day, we get a little bit more discouraged than the day before until we just finally throw in the towel.
There are many factors that play into weight loss including hormones, stress, sleep and attitude, to name a few. The hormones that I am often wondering about are thyroid, estrogen/progesterone and cortisol. These three organ systems control our body, how our body is going to function and how weight is going to move. Supporting and balancing these hormone levels can be a part of the weight loss plan, which needs to be put in place to help you lose weight.
Sleep and stress are also culprits of weight gain. The more stressed we are the more likely we are going to grab for something sugary to be able to give us comfort, even if it is just momentarily. Research has shown that not getting a solid 8 hours of sleep at night can increase your waist line. The principle behind it is the same as the stress, you need a quick burst in energy and sugar/sweets seem to give our body that response. Your attitude also plays into weight. When we have a positive outlook we can make better food and exercise choices, thus supporting the body in its weight loss goals.
If you need support with your health goals for 2013, give me a call at (415) 912-9934.