Dr. Mike Evans Shares Some Wisdom With Us.

I was de-cluttering my email inbox the other day, and found a link someone sent me about this great video on Youtube.com called “23 and ½ hours.” When it came in months ago, I told myself I would come back and watch it later, but I never did until just now. The video was done by Dr. Mike Evans, and is his answer to the age old question: “What is the single best thing we can do for our health?” Dr. Evans is the founder of Health Design Lab at the Li Ka Shing Knowledge Institute. He is also an associate professor, and staff physician, at St. Michael’s hospital.

His video was quite engaging, and a wonderful reminder of something simple that we can do for our health. I challenge you to take the time to watch the 9 minute video, and I encourage you to live the “23 and ½ hour” day. Take that 30 minutes for your health today, and everyday!

Please share with me, below, how you are going to spend your 30 minutes! And make sure to give Dr. Evan's video a 'thumbs up' if you like it on YouTube.