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Botanical (Herbal) Medicine

Botanical (Herbal) Medicine

There are many great, and varied, uses for an herbal liquid tincture. Read on for more information.

...The tincture might also have herbs for balancing blood sugar, sleep, or anything else affecting the patient. In fact, these powerful herbs have become necessary in my practice when it comes to balancing sex hormones, and especially as women are transitioning through menopause...

Lower Back Pain And Palliative Care

Lower Back Pain And Palliative Care

Sometimes, just the act of doing is enough to help us move forward. A new study shows how this can be true for lower back pain treatment with physical therapy.

...Teaching a patient certain stretches/exercises that they can do to help alleviate their symptoms while the body heals can help the patient feel like they are doing something to help them get back to normal life...

Do You Help Your Medical Team To Communicate?

Remember to tell us, your doctors, what medication you are taking.

...Labs that I do with you I hope you are sharing with your PCP, and vice versa. When your PCP puts you on a new medication then I need to know what it is so that I make sure what I’m prescribing for you does not interact with that other medication negatively...