Sometimes our libido needs help.
We either have it, have to much, don’t have enough, or don’t remember what our libido is. And there are times when we have all of these feelings within a 30 day window. Our libido is regulated by our hormones, but it is also affected by our mental and emotional state...
Know your birth control options.
As women, there are many different options that we have for birth control. They range from the pill, IUD, condoms, and abstinence to more invasive procedures such as tube tying, or our male partner being snipped. We as humans have the ability to prevent pregnancy, and some of us choose to delay when we start families because of other choices in life like school, career, and/or family obligations...
Dysmenorrhea affects many so know that you are not alone.
Dysmenorrhea, or painful periods, affect countless women every cycle. Within dysmenorrhea there are two types - Primary dysmenorrhea, commonly understood as menstrual cramps, and Secondary, pain caused by a disorder in the woman’s reproductive organs...
Last Month We Looked At Your Hormones. Now We'll Talk About Treatment.
A few weeks ago I talked about testing hormones, and now I want to take some time to talk about how I go about treating hormone imbalances. One of the many things I love about Naturopathic Medicine is that there is no one-size-fits-all model...
When will the root cause of the disease be what we, Doctors, focus on as far as treatment?
Since I enjoying working with women, I get to spend time talking with them about their periods. There are countless times when I ask them when their last period was and they do not know, because they don't keep track of it.