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Meat And Cancer? What About Processed Food?

Meat And Cancer? What About Processed Food?

The preliminary verdict is in: Meat can contribute to cancer. But lets not forget about processed foods in the process.

...The essential amino acids are histidine, isoleucine, leucine, lysine, methionine, phenylalanine threonine, tryptophan, and valine. For meat eaters, these essential amino acids are found within meat, but vegetarians need to make sure that they make complete protein meals to get these amino acids...

Essential Food Prep

Essential Food Prep

Get ahead of the game by preparing your own foods. It is a lot easier than you think with the right tools, and the right food sources.

...When it comes to the dried fruit you should look for sulfite free fruits while making sure no sugar has been added (it’s fruit, come on, does it really need more sugar?). With some planning you could buy fresh fruits, and dehydrate them yourself while storing them to be used later...

So What Exactly Is Trader Joe's Hiding?

So What Exactly Is Trader Joe's Hiding?

A Great Article From About Trader Joe's Lack Of Transparency In Regard To Their Food Products.

Just because you are buying something from a store that you might associate with being a health food store, Trader Joe’s, Whole Foods, or a grocery store’s organic section for example, that does not mean that the item is healthy. I know I often feel as though these grocery store choices are better, and that as a result someone is looking out for me in the food industry, but that is not always the case. We, as the consumer, need to be smart about our shopping no matter where we are shopping.