…These labs can help us figure out if more specific lab work should then be evaluated. Some further examples would be hemoglobin A1C, B12, sex hormones, adrenals, etc. If you have not had recent blood work then it might be time to make an appointment with your PCP through insurance or with myself. In the latter, without usually using insurance, there are cost effective ways that these labs, and more, can be done…
New pap smear guidelines fly in the face of common sense medicine.
...I wish these “experts” would allow us, as doctors, to evaluate our patients needs, and do what is best for them, in turn. Instead, we are asked to follow “new guidelines” that are, unfortunately, black and white...
After talking with many women about where they are in their cycle of being a woman, I have learned that not everyone knows the meaning of Perimenopause and Menopause.