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A Healthy Pregnancy

A Healthy Pregnancy

Do you know what it takes for a healthy pregnancy? Let me help.

Pregnancy – for some couples it is easy but for others it is a challenge with many ups and downs. For the women who are able to get pregnant without much difficulty, may you enjoy the process, and the changes that your body goes through. For the couples that are struggling know you are not alone...

Nuts, And Allergies, And Things...


Nuts, And Allergies, And Things...

To eat nuts, or not to eat nuts. That is the question.

When it comes to food sensitivities and allergies I, as a naturopathic doctor, am concerned about the timing of introduction, quantity, quality, and bodies responses to food...


Hidden Food Sensitivities / Allergies

I often run food sensitivity/food allergy panels on my patients, but it then become a bit challenge to remove the foods as they are often hidden in things we would not expect.

Spring Into Fall Cleaning

Fall is in the air, and for some reason it makes me want to clean my house more than spring time.

Molds - Indoor And Outdoor

I know it is summer time and most of us are not thinking about mold, as it is warm and dry.

Cosmetic Products You Should Look For

Last week's blog was all about what chemicals you don't want to find in your cosmetic products. This week is about what products we can use.

Food Allergy Testing

A recent study out warns against over reliance on blood test for food allergies. I know I run several food allergy tests per week on both children and adults...

Sugar's Effect On Your Health

In the last 20 years, we have increased sugar consumption in the U.S. from 26 pounds to 135 lbs. of sugar per person per year! That breaks down to 2-3 lbs of sugar each week. What is all of this sugar doing to our bodies?