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All About Omega Fatty Acids

The human body can manufacture most of the fats it needs, including cholesterol, saturated fatty acids, and unsaturated fatty acids. However...

Chicken Pox

Chicken pox, otherwise known as Varicella, is a childhood disease that occurs most commonly between the ages of 2 and 8 by the herpes zoster virus.

Rosemary-Olive Oil Bread

This recipe makes 1 sweet-and-savory bread loaf. Toast it and serve with salad, soup, or cheese on special occasions. It can be frozen for up to 3 months.

Garlic Oxymel

This is a fantastic recipe to keep handy especially if you are getting sick with the changing of weather.

Our Healthy Plate

Good bye food pyramid and welcome to the game, "Healthy Plate!" For the past 19 years the U.S. Dietary Guidelines has used the food pyramid as a way to educate the US population about to how to eat.

44.7 Gallons...

According to the Beverage Marketing Corporation the average American is drinking 44.7 gallons of soda every year.


What are bioflavonoids? They are the pigments in plants, which give them their colors.

Eat Right With Color

"National Nutrition Month is an annual campaign sponsored by the American Dietetic Association to promote nutrition awareness and education...


A girl's friend, a stress reliever, and a nice treat at the end of a meal or the end of the day. But what makes chocolate special and full of health benefits?