Recent research suggests that propionate, found in your intestinal tract, could help with weight loss, but it may not be the magic bullet that some would want it to be.
...It was seen that the people given propionate before the meal ate 14% less than those given insulin... To me, the change that people got was very minimal. And, because small sample groups were used, it makes me question to what degree this product is really helping...
A new study on the short term effects of BPA is quite revealing.
...Two hours after drinking the soy milk in the above containers, blood pressures readings were taken as were the urinary BPA levels. Urinary output of BPA rose by up to 1,600% in canned soy milk drinkers in comparison to the glass soy milk drinkers...
We should take a closer look at our foods ratios, and not just the proportions.
...the Standard American Diet (SAD) is not the diet that we want to follow. The SAD diet is about 50% carbohydrates, 15% protein and 35% fat. Most of the fat eaten by Americans is high in saturated fats, and is also low in the omega 3s...
Planning your Thanksgiving meal means more than just choosing the high calorie ingredients.
With Thanksgiving next week, many of us are finalizing our meal plans. Often this meal will contain more fat, sugar, salt, and other ingredients that we often limit on a daily basis. Why sabotage your healthy diet just for this one meal?...
So, what do you think we really know about pesticide use in California?
...One last surprising statement from the article was, “even though strawberries take up less than 1 percent of the total farmland in California, they account for at least 8 percent of pesticides used in the state...”
Well... What are you eating (or not) for breakfast?
...Our brains need fuel, and we get that fuel from the foods that we eat. Thus starting the day by not eating, or with a high sugar/carbohydrate meal (such as cereal) does not give our bodies what they need. We need to start the morning with a meal dense in nutrients, that has a wide range of colors, and is rich in good macronutrients...
Confused by some food ingredients, or unfamiliar with food manufacturing risks? This site can help.
Food may be one of the greatest pleasures in life. Especially when we take the time to sit down, and savor it. That being said, food can also be a scary thing when a majority of the food we eat comes packaged, and processed.
A video from Children's Healthcare of Atlanta shows how far back some of our health problems start.
...This potent YouTube video from Children's Healthcare of Atlanta looks at life in reverse showing not only the choices that we can make for ourselves at times, but also the choices that we cannot...
If you are like most health conscious consumers then watch out for the things labeled "natural."
This funny YouTube video from was shared to me by one of my patients who knew I would get a good laugh out of it, and I did...
Is There A Relationship Between The Heat And Kidney Stones?
...people were more likely to develop calcium deposits when the average temperature rose over 50 degrees. Three days after a hot day there were more cases of kidney stones. Dr. Tasian and his team concluded that “when you get hot and dehydrated, the concentration of calcium and minerals in your urine goes up, and that can create the stones.”