A Time article compares American school lunches with foreign counterparts.
...Our children’s health, brain development, and future are highly dependent on what we feed them, teach them, but also not the least bit important is what we show them. We are showing them it is ok to eat carbohydrates, sugar, and unhealthy fats at meals...
Recent research suggests more tangible evidence of a gut and brain connection.
...Think about kids as they are in school, and how what they eat will influence how well they can learn as well as their retention of what they have learned. If they start their morning with a sugary meal then they, and by extension you, are setting them up for failure...
Need to sell your bad food, and wasteful products? Use Television. Problem solved.
...However, we recently started watching a new TV show online, but from a free service, that contains commercials, and I was amazed by the advertisements. Perhaps I had forgotten how bad they are, or just about them in general. These ads were for crappy food, drugs, and even toxic cleaning supplies...
What is the single best drink for your health? Well, it's water of course.
...Our immune system, cardiovascular health, bowel movements, energy, and electrolyte balance are just a few of the important things this beverage helps with. Remember to hydrate well, and often, with plenty of WATER!..
New research sheds a little bit of light on the often overlooked, or even ignored, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome.
..This gives us some underlying information of what might be going on in the system. The researchers went on to say that over the course of the disease these levels of cytokines do decrease. Cytokine protein signals, that are released by the body, influence how cells respond. Therefore, there may be a progression of the disease process, and thus there would need to be different treatments at different times...
Another year, another update to the EWG's important food safety list.
...The Dirty Dozen are going to be the foods that we should buy organic as they contain the highest levels of pesticides. Alternatively, the Clean Fifteen are the foods that you don’t have to buy organic as they are lower in pesticides. However, when it comes to food it is important to buy organic as often as you can to help send a message to the food industry...
Recent FDA crack down on low quality (or "no-quality") supplements might paint a bad image of the entire industry. There is a reason why I use specific brands.
...These companies that I trust, and use, not only do the third party testing on their completed products, but also on all of their raw materials. If the raw materials are not pure then these companies would rather have their product be on backorder than send out a less than pure supply as was recently the case with a prominent manufacturer...
Let's all learn something about measles today...
...Measles is caused by an enveloped, single strand RNA virus which naturally only has humans as a host. Before the vaccine, more than 50% of people had measles by the age of 6 with more than 90% by the age of 15. Prior to 1963, 3 to 4 million people would have measles per year with an average of 450 deaths...
There is a reason why you should eat wild fish, and price has absolutely nothing to do with it.
...Farmed fish are grey in color due to their GMO grain, and dead animal part diet. They are dyed pink to compensate...
High Fructose Corn Syrup (HFCS) is in the news again, and again we have more bad news to talk about.
...It was seen that the mice fed the higher levels of fructose-glucose died at a rate of 1.87 times higher than the mice fed the table sugar. These mice also had 26.4% fewer offspring...