The hot foot bath is one of my favorite hydrotherapy treatments when I get sick. I will also do the wet socks at night.
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The hot foot bath is one of my favorite hydrotherapy treatments when I get sick. I will also do the wet socks at night.
One of my favorite treatments is the castor oil pack.
It is often difficult to tell the difference between a cold and flu by just looking at symptoms. Here you will find an easy chart that tries to break down the differences in symptoms between the two.
Are you burning the candle at both ends?
Be kind to yourself, your past, your future and everyone in your life.
When compared with apples, bananas have four times the protein, twice the carbohydrates, three times the phosphorus, and five times the Vitamin A and Iron.
The newest addition to my kitchen has been the Vitamixer. I have been eyeing it for years and just waiting for the right time to make it mine.
To all the mothers, sisters, daughters, wives and women of the world, will you please love yourself
It is that time of year again, the start of the cold and flu season. It is also the start of the holiday season with the increase in sugar we all will be enjoying.
The European Society of Cardiology 2011 Congress met at the end of August to highlight the role of laughter, positive thinking, anger and job stress on developing cardiovascular events.