Try to forgive yourself. Please, just try.
...Please take time to forgive yourself, and, as equally important, the other people in your life. I know it is not an easy thing to ask. However, someone does not normally think that their lack of forgiveness is affecting their health, but it is...
There are many great, and varied, uses for an herbal liquid tincture. Read on for more information.
...The tincture might also have herbs for balancing blood sugar, sleep, or anything else affecting the patient. In fact, these powerful herbs have become necessary in my practice when it comes to balancing sex hormones, and especially as women are transitioning through menopause...
A new study sheds light on the effectiveness of mindfulness when compared to antidepressants in treating patients with depression and anxiety disorders.
The study showed that mindfulness-based cognitive therapy helped patients as much as antidepressants without the harmful effects that the medications can have.
A new study shows signs that exposing children to the rhythm of music may have tangible benefits.
...Patterns help us all learn, and the change to patterns also forces us to focus and learn as a result of pattern perception. It seems as though music can help us enhance our children’s recognition of patterns...
A new study sheds light on what is keeping teenagers up at night.
...Keyes and her team have noticed that sleep patterns have not gotten any better, but they also have not gotten any worse with the rise in technology use...
No baby yet, and, unfortunately, I'm dwelling on that.
...Even with all the “wisdom” read of how to naturally induce labor, I have decided to not push my body. I am taking time to rest, and walk as much as I can. I am listening to my midwife and allowing her to be my doctor rather than trying to doctor myself...
One of my favorite keyboard apps' developers has made an attempt at a "keyboard" app that is designed to help families communicate with their children who have developmental/communication disorders.
A Naturopath recently wrote about how video games helped a patient of hers with the anxiety of surgery.
...“Research has shown that gameplay can help to interrupt the cycle of anxiety because it breaks the cycle of attention.” Dr. Walker used a video game with one of her patients who then reported better energy and less anxiety with just 20 minutes of video gameplay a day...
Black Friday "deals" can look attractive, but the reason for going after them can be much less attractive.
...She, and her husband, will buy four gifts for their children: something they need, something they want, something to wear, and something to read. This way she can spend a bit more on these gifts rather than just getting a lot of little things to meet some unnecessary quota of quantity...
Sometimes, just the act of doing is enough to help us move forward. A new study shows how this can be true for lower back pain treatment with physical therapy.
...Teaching a patient certain stretches/exercises that they can do to help alleviate their symptoms while the body heals can help the patient feel like they are doing something to help them get back to normal life...