Veterans Day

Veterans Day

Remember to tell the veteran in your life how much you appreciate their service. Today, and everyday.

Please perform a moment of silence today to honor and remember those who are serving, have served, and those who have served and died for our great country.

The Adrenal Stress Index Test

The Adrenal Stress Index Test

My preferred method of testing your adrenals.

I try to come up with blog ideas based on the questions that I have been getting in my practice, or talk about certain organ systems that have been my focus for several patients that week. Lately, I have been passing out adrenal testing kits like they are candy...

Breakfast Does Matter

Breakfast Does Matter

Well... What are you eating (or not) for breakfast?

...Our brains need fuel, and we get that fuel from the foods that we eat. Thus starting the day by not eating, or with a high sugar/carbohydrate meal (such as cereal) does not give our bodies what they need. We need to start the morning with a meal dense in nutrients, that has a wide range of colors, and is rich in good macronutrients...

Breast Cancer Awareness Month

Breast Cancer Awareness Month

It is Breast Cancer Awareness Month. Let me help you figure out a test regime.

...Patients that I have on hormones are required, by me, to do yearly breast screening, paps, and also urine hormone testing, or I will not continue to write prescriptions for their hormones. These screenings are good guidelines for all women to follow. I know there have been recent changes in how frequently we should be getting paps, and insurance companies are dictating how often we can have other tests covered, but when it comes to your body it is better to be safe...

Catching Up With Yourself

Catching Up With Yourself

When was the last time you stopped everything, and just did that one thing you really needed to do?

...With the business of life, my diet has also slipped because certain foods are just easier even though my body is screaming at me to bring back veggies, and fruits in high quantities. So we, my husband and I, are making these changes. Again, catching up...

Naturopathic Medicine Week Is Here!

Naturopathic Medicine Week Is Here!

2014's Naturopathic Medicine week is upon us!

...I was in my senior year at Bluffton University, in my home state of Ohio, trying to figure out what I was going to do with my life. I took the GRE test for graduate school programs because I knew I needed more education, and because I did not know what to do with my biology, and chemistry degrees...

Go Out Into Nature. Do It Now.

Go Out Into Nature. Do It Now.

Seriously, just stop what you are doing, and go outside for a few minutes. Breath some fresh air. Take a nature break.

We all get busy with work, and the day-to-day of our lives, but we forget to take the necessary time to see the world right outside our front door. Hiking is something my husband tries to get me to do more often. I always have reasons why we cannot go hiking on the weekends. However, I forget how amazing nature is, and I'm grateful for the times my husband pushes me to go out...

How Do You Communicate Online?

How Do You Communicate Online?

It is not as simple as saying that online communication is a good, or bad thing. As it is not really a "black & white" issue.

Modern technology, for better or worse, is here to stay. Some forms of technology help us to stay more connected while other forms destroy that connection. I cringe when I hear my patients tell me that they have to text their children within the same house to let them know that dinner is ready because that is the only way their kids will respond...

Ingredients And Food Labels

Ingredients And Food Labels

Confused by some food ingredients, or unfamiliar with food manufacturing risks? This site can help.

Food may be one of the greatest pleasures in life. Especially when we take the time to sit down, and savor it. That being said, food can also be a scary thing when a majority of the food we eat comes packaged, and processed.

Dysmenorrhea And Treatment

Dysmenorrhea affects many so know that you are not alone.

Dysmenorrhea, or painful periods, affect countless women every cycle. Within dysmenorrhea there are two types - Primary dysmenorrhea, commonly understood as menstrual cramps, and Secondary, pain caused by a disorder in the woman’s reproductive organs...