...One day, an elephant saw a hummingbird lying on its back with its tiny feet up in the air. “What are you doing?” asked the elephant. The hummingbird replied, “I heard that the sky might fall today, and so I am ready to help hold it up, should it fall.” The elephant laughed cruelly. “Do you really think,” he said, “that those tiny feet could help hold up the sky?...”
We should demand more of product labeling in general.
...Do you remember, back in the day, when your mom would put leftover spaghetti into a Tupperware container, and how that container was always a shade of pink/yellow from there on out. Well the spaghetti and plastic were interacting with each other...
Sometimes, we forgive others much more easily than we do our own selves.
...As a result, at the end of the day the todo list is going through my head of what I did, and, more worryingly, what I did not do. I’m human, and so more often than not I feel as though I failed at some of these tasks. Clearly, I’m having trouble forgiving myself...
Once again, coffee appears to be good for you after all.
...They went on to say that there is an inverse association between coffee drinking and risk for type 2 diabetes. However, I do have to point out that adding sugar to your coffee is going to have an impact on how your body responds to sugar...
Plastic packaging, and plastic food make for an unhealthy combination.
...And how are Oreo’s packaged? In plastic. I’m having trouble discerning the the contents from the packaging in this case...
If you see a headline that seems shocking, or inflammatory then it is probably better to read the article than to stay uninformed about the subject. They win.
...The headlines of articles are made to catch our attention. We know this. The common term these days is “click bait.” Often, I worry that people are getting all of the information they feel is necessary from these headlines...
A Time article compares American school lunches with foreign counterparts.
...Our children’s health, brain development, and future are highly dependent on what we feed them, teach them, but also not the least bit important is what we show them. We are showing them it is ok to eat carbohydrates, sugar, and unhealthy fats at meals...
Recent research suggests more tangible evidence of a gut and brain connection.
...Think about kids as they are in school, and how what they eat will influence how well they can learn as well as their retention of what they have learned. If they start their morning with a sugary meal then they, and by extension you, are setting them up for failure...
Death should not be feared, but instead be acknowledged as part of life.
...It is scary to think one day that we will not be here, and yet the world will continue to go on. For a lot of us, our legacy is our family, our children, and who we had the privilege of touching as well as being touched by...
Sunscreen time, however they're not all the same. Read on.
...As with all cosmetics, sunscreens do have expiration dates. Please check to make sure that your sunscreen is still good from last year before you just start applying it. Our skin is the largest organ of the body, and it breaths in, communicates with, and absorbs whatever we put on it...