There is more to do than just clothes and supply shopping for back to school preparation.
...But I would ask that, as a family, you also work on your back to school health preparations. It is not uncommon that kids will get sick the first few weeks of school as they are getting freshly exposed to their classmates germs again...
Food recalls, contamination at home, and what you can do about it.
...So it comes down to the question I posed earlier: how do we safely get food on our table? I don’t know the answer there, but there are things that we can do to help lower our risks of illness from foods...
Try to forgive yourself. Please, just try.
...Please take time to forgive yourself, and, as equally important, the other people in your life. I know it is not an easy thing to ask. However, someone does not normally think that their lack of forgiveness is affecting their health, but it is...
New pap smear guidelines fly in the face of common sense medicine.
...I wish these “experts” would allow us, as doctors, to evaluate our patients needs, and do what is best for them, in turn. Instead, we are asked to follow “new guidelines” that are, unfortunately, black and white...
Water blog #2.
...Throughout pregnancy and breastfeeding water is important. As the baby is developing in utero, the female’s blood volume increases, and water is needed to help make sure this happens...
There are many great, and varied, uses for an herbal liquid tincture. Read on for more information.
...The tincture might also have herbs for balancing blood sugar, sleep, or anything else affecting the patient. In fact, these powerful herbs have become necessary in my practice when it comes to balancing sex hormones, and especially as women are transitioning through menopause...
A new study from the NIH shows a low incidence, but an incidence none the less, of tumor formation in rats due to exposure to cell phone radiation.
...Even with this information we are, yet again, at a stalemate as to the safety of cell phones since the study in question only shows low incidences of cancer in the rats. However, let’s not gloss over that it shows an incidence of cancer in rats...
Do you know what is actually "protecting" your skin from the sun? If not, then read on...
...but the ones that I do use I should make sure they are the safest by making sure these products are not going to contribute to/cause cancer, mess with my hormones, or even cause allergic reactions...
A new study shows that mom's voice can have a long lasting impact on a child's memory.
"...But surprisingly little is known about how the brain organizes itself around this very important sound source. We didn't realize that a mother's voice would have such quick access to so many different brain systems..."
A new study sheds light on the effectiveness of mindfulness when compared to antidepressants in treating patients with depression and anxiety disorders.
The study showed that mindfulness-based cognitive therapy helped patients as much as antidepressants without the harmful effects that the medications can have.