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Holiday Foods And EWG's Dirty Dozen List

Holiday Foods And EWG's Dirty Dozen List

The EWG’s Dirty Dozen list is a great help for holiday food shopping.

…this list is my goto reminder of what foods should be bought organic as well as what foods are ok to do as conventional…

New Dirty Dozen List From The EWG

New Dirty Dozen List From The EWG

The yearly update to the Dirty Dozen and Clean Fifteen lists is out.

...When buying food it would be great if we all could afford organic all of the time, but that is just not always possible...

A New EWG Dirty Dozen List

A New EWG Dirty Dozen List

Another year, another update to the EWG's important food safety list.

...The Dirty Dozen are going to be the foods that we should buy organic as they contain the highest levels of pesticides. Alternatively, the Clean Fifteen are the foods that you don’t have to buy organic as they are lower in pesticides. However, when it comes to food it is important to buy organic as often as you can to help send a message to the food industry...

FDA And Pesticides In Your Food

FDA And Pesticides In Your Food

The EU Bans Some Chemicals That The FDA Allows.

The US Department of Agriculture has found both of these neurotoxic pesticides in conventional fruits and vegetables. Between 2006 and 2011 imidacloprid was found in roughly 22 percent of the conventionally grown produce tested, and below are the foods most often contaminated...