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Shelter In Place

Shelter In Place

My experience, so far, with Shelter In Place.

…During Shelter-In-Place, I have had time to do some projects I have always wanted to do around my house. One of these dreams has been setting up a garden…

Reading Books...

Reading Books...

Sometimes we need to just stop, sit down and read or listen to a book or fifty.

...not all of them were earth shattering, but there were some that left a lasting impact on me. I wanted to share these books with you...

Immune Support For The Holidays

Immune Support For The Holidays

Here are several things you can do to help support your immune system come this holiday season.

…Pick and choose the most important holiday events. You cannot be there for everything as you need down time so get some rest. It is also ok to just say that everything is too much and that you need to stop and relax for a bit…

End Of Year Is Also A New Year

End Of Year Is Also A New Year

New year goals can help us focus on letting go of last years problems.

...I encourage you to spend a bit of the holidays planning out your goals for 2017. These goals should include health, travel, personal and professional goals as well as goals to make memories by...

Trouble Sleeping?

Trouble Sleeping?

A new study from the CDC sheds some light on how little sleep adults get these days.

...Calming the body before bed will help us to sleep better by lowering the cortisol levels. High levels of cortisol at night cause us to have millions of thoughts running through our heads as well as having a wired-tired feeling. We are physically exhausted but the mind is keeping us awake...

Cause And Effect

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Cause And Effect

Person to person and cause and effect relationships can be similar.

...The cause and effect connection sometimes will come around showing us who we have affected, or how we have been changed, and other times it does neither...

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Cortisol And Breast Milk

Cortisol And Breast Milk

Breastfeeding can give your baby higher levels of cortisol, but this is not necessarily a bad thing in any way.

...What this does make me stop and think about is the long term effect of the cortisol on the baby, and if any of the effects, if they do exist, are negative, or not. If they are negative then how do we get the mother to destress?..

Can Video Games Help With Anxiety?

Can Video Games Help With Anxiety?

A Naturopath recently wrote about how video games helped a patient of hers with the anxiety of surgery.

...“Research has shown that gameplay can help to interrupt the cycle of anxiety because it breaks the cycle of attention.” Dr. Walker used a video game with one of her patients who then reported better energy and less anxiety with just 20 minutes of video gameplay a day...

Black Friday? Cyber Monday? How About A Real Gift Instead.

Black Friday? Cyber Monday? How About A Real Gift Instead.

Black Friday "deals" can look attractive, but the reason for going after them can be much less attractive.

...She, and her husband, will buy four gifts for their children: something they need, something they want, something to wear, and something to read. This way she can spend a bit more on these gifts rather than just getting a lot of little things to meet some unnecessary quota of quantity...

Thanksgiving. Plan Ahead.

Thanksgiving. Plan Ahead.

Planning ahead can make the holiday times much easier if not actually more enjoyable for you, and everyone around you.

...if you have special dietary needs then bring your own food; even eat before the event if you must. Asking the host if the food is gluten, dairy, or yeast free gets annoying for them, and often they are not even sure...