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Bisphenol A - BPA

It seems as though BPA, bisphenol A, is in the news again. A resent Harvard study recruited 77 students to partake in a study looking at the amount of BPA present in their urine after drinking cold water out of a plastic bottle.

The Water Blog

Our bodies are made up of 2/3 water. Water is used throughout our bodies as a solvent and an essential part of many metabolic processes. Without proper hydration, our bodies are not able to...

Peppermint - Mentha piperita

Since candy canes are abundant during the holidays, I figured it was an appropriate time to talk about peppermint. However...

Why Should You Take Vitamin And Mineral Supplements?

We all know that we need regular supplies of macronutrients: protein, carbohydrates and fats. However when it comes to our micronutrients: vitamins, minerals, enzymes and trace elements, we often disregard their importance...

Dr. Larrow's Breakfast Smoothie

Most mornings my breakfasts consist of a smoothie. It is my way of getting in some of the supplements I know I should be taking, but do not always wish to take in capsule form.

Food Allergies

According to HealthDay News food allergies are up 18% among US children over the past decade.