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Breastfeeding, And IQ

Breastfeeding, And IQ

A new study links breastfeeding with IQ, and income, later in life.

...These studies are harder to do in more developed countries where higher socioeconomic groups are more apt to breastfeed. In Brazil, by contrast, the proportion of mothers breastfeeding is about equal throughout all of the socioeconomic groups...

Allergies... They're Already Here!

Allergies... They're Already Here!

Allergy season is already upon us. Are you prepared?

...The body can only detoxify so much before it becomes overwhelmed, and unable to process things. As the body moves further, and further from homeostasis, we then are able to see all of the ways the body is suffering. The goal of a Naturopathic Doctor is to help restore homeostasis to the system. We pick apart our patient’s lives, diet, habits, and chemistry to find the best way to lower their allergic potential. I wish I could tell my patients to avoid going outside when their allergies are horrible, but that is not possible...

Gut, And Brain Health. The Same?

Gut, And Brain Health. The Same?

It goes without saying that what we eat matters to the whole body.

I spent a Saturday a few weekends ago at a conference about gut health. It was a great reminder of how important the gut is to the body. From the gut we are able to see what is going on in the rest of the body; especially in the brain which does not have pain receptors.  If you are dealing with bloating in the stomach then imagine what is also going on in the brain. How is the brain being affected by the foods that you are eating?...

A New EWG Dirty Dozen List

A New EWG Dirty Dozen List

Another year, another update to the EWG's important food safety list.

...The Dirty Dozen are going to be the foods that we should buy organic as they contain the highest levels of pesticides. Alternatively, the Clean Fifteen are the foods that you don’t have to buy organic as they are lower in pesticides. However, when it comes to food it is important to buy organic as often as you can to help send a message to the food industry...

Holiday Reflection Time... And Planning!

Holiday Reflection Time... And Planning!

It is never too early to make the holiday season less stressful, and more enjoyable.

It is a great time to look back on the holidays, and reflect on how you did. I am talking about how you did with meal planning, stress management, and even keeping within your budget. Also, how well did you do sticking to your diet goals? Did you gain a few pounds, maintain, or lose a bit? How can you start planning for this years holidays now so that you can keep your stress level down for when the holidays arrive?...

Detoxification As Spring Cleaning

Detoxification As Spring Cleaning

"Spring cleaning" can be just as important an activity for our bodies as it is for our homes.

...Since we are toxic it is important to rid the body of toxins, and this is done via mobilizing, binding, and removing toxins. The detoxification protocol is an individual program because all of us need support in different ways...

Recent FDA Crack Down On Bad Supplements

Recent FDA Crack Down On Bad Supplements

Recent FDA crack down on low quality (or "no-quality") supplements might paint a bad image of the entire industry. There is a reason why I use specific brands.

...These companies that I trust, and use, not only do the third party testing on their completed products, but also on all of their raw materials. If the raw materials are not pure then these companies would rather have their product be on backorder than send out a less than pure supply as was recently the case with a prominent manufacturer...

Don't Buy That Farm Raised Fish!

Don't Buy That Farm Raised Fish!

There is a reason why you should eat wild fish, and price has absolutely nothing to do with it.

...Farmed fish are grey in color due to their GMO grain, and dead animal part diet. They are dyed pink to compensate...

High Fructose Corn Syrup Vs. Sugar

High Fructose Corn Syrup Vs. Sugar

High Fructose Corn Syrup (HFCS) is in the news again, and again we have more bad news to talk about.

...It was seen that the mice fed the higher levels of fructose-glucose died at a rate of 1.87 times higher than the mice fed the table sugar. These mice also had 26.4% fewer offspring...

The Flu Vaccine, And If You Should Take It

The Flu Vaccine, And If You Should Take It

There is always an argument for, and against, the flu vaccine. But it is usually never so simple as there are other factors to weigh.

...Together, we look at the risk factors to exposure of the flu like where my patients work, their age, and their overall health status to determine what is best for them. Usually, my gut instinct is to not vaccinate, but I have to evaluate what is best for each one of my patients...