Todo Lists Are Great! Except When They're Not.
...[They] a great way for my husband and I to keep track of things that we need to do, and need to get at stores. So in a way, it is an extension of communication between us. It is also a place where we have listed our short, and long term goals. There are many ‘todo’ apps available for every cell phone platform. I find that they come in quite handy at times, but do have their drawbacks...
How I Test Your Hormone Levels, And Why.
I often hear my patients tell me in their initial appointments that they are fatigued, overweight, irritable, having menstrual issues, or suffering from hot flashes. When I hear of these symptoms from them, I want to get a picture of where their hormones are as these signals are indicative of what is going on in their body. Without an understanding of what state their hormones are in, it is difficult to know exactly how to get to the root cause of these issues...
Another Great Video From Dr. Mike Evans.
Often in life we are looking for ways to make things easier for ourselves. Technology, for example, has helped us in many ways to make our lives easier. And though it does life easier, we are now moving less, and barely connecting with each other. So in that regard, I want to share another of Dr. Mike Evans’s videos called, “Let’s Make our Day Harder.”
The Environmental Workers Group Is At It Again.
The EWG just never stops giving us great information. The EWG has come out with their 2014 Dirty Dozen & Clean 15 list. The list is based on testing that determines the pesticide levels found on food. EWG found that two-thirds of produce sampled had pesticide residues. This list includes fifty one fruits and vegetables with the lower numbers indicating higher pesticide levels found. So the Apple is listed as #1, and is found to have the highest residual levels of pesticides...
...I want to share with you. It is a YouTube video from AsapScience about frozen versus fresh food. Rather than take a stand on either side, I’m just going to post this, and let everyone comment on the video below...
Unpopular Decisions You've Made That Were Necessary.
I have had to put quite a bit on the back burner, interest-wise, myself in order to focus on these things that work best for me, and to show that my ‘unpopular’ decisions were the right ones. You cannot argue with progress, and no one can take that progress away from you. Nor should you let them even try...
Dr. Mike Evans Shares Some Wisdom With Us.
I was de-cluttering my email inbox the other day, and found a link someone sent me about this great video on called “23 and ½ hours.” When it came in months ago, I told myself I would come back and watch it later, but I never did until just now. The video was done by Dr. Mike Evans, and is his answer to the age old question: “What is the single best thing we can do for our health?”...
Recent NASA Research And Collaboration Shows Elevated Healthcare Costs Associated With Ammonia Pollution From The Food Industry.
...the most important part of the article, Harvard University researchers Fabien Paulot and Daniel Jacob, calculate the health cost associated with the ammonia emissions from agriculture exports to be $36 billion a year...
I Want To Hear From You Guys On This One.
Stress is defined as a state of mental or emotional strain, or tension resulting from adverse or very demanding circumstances. I think this sums up life! We as humans are constantly on the go from sun up to sun down and every moment in between. Even our relaxation time, if we have any planed, seems to be busy. There is no down time anymore, or time where demands are not placed on us by others, or even ourselves...
A Great Article From About Trader Joe's Lack Of Transparency In Regard To Their Food Products.
Just because you are buying something from a store that you might associate with being a health food store, Trader Joe’s, Whole Foods, or a grocery store’s organic section for example, that does not mean that the item is healthy. I know I often feel as though these grocery store choices are better, and that as a result someone is looking out for me in the food industry, but that is not always the case. We, as the consumer, need to be smart about our shopping no matter where we are shopping.